The Student and Child Student visas are under the Points-Based System are for those international students who wish to come to the UK to study and experience life and culture in the UK.
Our expert team of immigration solicitors can assist you with the preparation of your via application and ensure that you meet with all the requirements under this category of the Points-Based System. We can ensure that all key points are substantiated with documentary evidence thereby leading to a successful application and avoiding unnecessary expense of resubmitting your application to the Home Office.
Student Visa
You can apply for a Student visa to study in the UK if you’re 16 or over and you:
- have been offered a place on a course by a licensed student sponsor
- have enough money to support yourself and pay for your course – the amount will vary depending on your circumstances
- can speak, read, write and understand English
- have consent from your parents if you’re 16 or 17 – you’ll need evidence of this when you apply
If you’re 16 or 17 and you want to study at an independent school in the UK, you may be eligible for a Child Student visa instead.
This visa has replaced the Tier 4 (General) student visa.
When to apply
When you can apply depends on whether you’re applying from inside or outside the UK.

Applying from outside the UK
The earliest you can apply for a visa is 6 months before you start your course.
You’ll usually get a decision on your visa within 3 weeks.
Applying from inside the UK
The earliest you can apply is 3 months before your course starts.
You must apply before your current visa expires. Your new course must begin within 28 days of your current visa expiring.
You’ll usually get a decision within 8 weeks.
Child Student Visa
You can apply for a Child Student visa if you’re between 4 and 17 years old and you want to study at an independent school in the UK.
You must:
- have an unconditional offer of a place on a course at an independent school
- be able to show you’ll have access to enough money to support you in the UK and pay for your course
- have the consent of your parent or guardian to study in the UK – you’ll need to prove this when you apply
If you’re 18 or over, apply for a Student visa instead.
This visa has replaced the Tier 4 (Child) student visa.
When to apply
When you can apply depends on whether you’re applying from inside or outside the UK.
Applying from outside the UK
The earliest you can apply for a visa is 6 months before you start your course.
You’ll usually get a decision within 3 weeks.
Applying from inside the UK
The earliest you can apply is 3 months before your course starts.
You must apply before your current visa expires. Your new course must begin within 28 days of your current visa expiring.
You’ll usually get a decision within 8 weeks.
When you can travel to the UK
You can arrive up to 1 month before your course starts, but no earlier than the start date given on your visa.
How long you can stay
How long you can stay depends on your age on the date you apply and the length of your course.
Under 16: Course length (up to 6 years) plus 4 months afterwards
16 or 17: Course length (up to 3 years) plus 4 months afterwards
Staying longer in the UK
You may be able to:
- extend your visa if you’re eligible, for example to continue your studies in the UK
- switch to a Child Student visa from another visa if you’re already in the UK
Study English in the UK (Short-term study visa)
You can apply for a Short-term study visa to study English language in the UK.
This visa is for English language courses lasting longer than 6 months and up to 11 months.
How long you can stay
You can stay in the UK for the length of your course plus an extra 30 days as long as your stay is no longer than 11 months.
If your education provider loses their sponsor licence
You’ll need to find a new course with a different education provider if your sponsor loses their licence. Your new education provider will need to sponsor you.
How long you can stay
Your current visa will be limited to 60 days (or however long you have left on the visa if it’s less than 60 days).
You’ll have to leave the UK if you don’t find a new sponsor in that time.
Your visa will be withdrawn immediately if you’re involved in the reasons for the withdrawal.
If your sponsor is taken over by another organisation
Your visa won’t be affected if the new organisation:
- already has a sponsor licence
- applies for a sponsor licence within 28 days
If not, your visa will be limited to 60 days (or however long you have left on the visa if it’s less than 60 days).
You’ll have to leave the UK if you haven’t found a new sponsor by the end of that time.
Student Visa (Curtailment)
The Home Office may curtail your leave, if your education provider loses their sponsor licence or is taken over by another organisation. This can be a very stressful time for students who may question their future at the establishment and in the UK.
Our immigration solicitors regularly consult with students who have found their education provider has lost their sponsor licence or been taken over by another organisation. In this event, students will need to find a new course with a different provider who will need to sponsor them.
If your education provider loses their sponsor licence
You’ll need to find a new course with a different education provider if your sponsor loses their licence. Your new education provider will need to sponsor you.
How long you can stay
Your current visa will be limited to 60 days (or however long you have left on the visa if it’s less than 60 days).
You’ll have to leave the UK if you don’t find a new sponsor in that time.
Your visa will be withdrawn immediately if you’re involved in the reasons for the withdrawal.
If your sponsor is taken over by another organisation
Your visa won’t be affected if the new organisation:
- already has a sponsor licence
- applies for a sponsor licence within 28 days
If not, your visa will be limited to 60 days (or however long you have left on the visa if it’s less than 60 days).
You’ll have to leave the UK if you haven’t found a new sponsor by the end of that time.
You may be eligible for or have rights in any of the above categories depending on your visa status or circumstances.
We are a UK law firm based in Kidderminster, near Birmingham and our solicitors are fully authorised by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).
For expert legal advice and services, contact AAN Joseph Solicitors on 015 6254 6550 or